1.原著論文(Original Papers)
- Shape-Dependent Conduction Regime in Self-Doped Polyaniline, Jiannan Bao, Yoichi Otsuka, Hiroshi Ohoyama, and Takuya Matsumoto, J. Phys. Chem. C, in press (2022). DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c10929
- Impact of molecular distribution on unoccupied image potential states of PbPc/HOPG surfaces, Noriaki Kawakita, TakashiYamada* and Toshiaki Munakata*, Chem. Phys. Lett. 799, 139625 (2022). DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2022.139625
- Band Engineering-Tuned Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in Diverse-Phased Cu2–xSySe1–y Nanocrystals, Han Li, Masahiro Shibuta, Takashi Yamada, Hajime Hojo, Hiroyuki S. Kato, Toshiharu Teranishi*, and Masanori Sakamoto*, J. Phys. Chem. C, in press (2022). DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c01149
- A vector correlation study using a hexapole-oriented molecular beam: Photodissociation dynamics of oriented isohaloethane, Dock-Chil Che, Hiroshi Kawamata, Masaaki Nakamura, Toshio Kasai, King-Chuen Lin, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 5914 (2022). DOI:10.1039/D1CP05788J
- Conformer Selection by Electrostatic Hexapoles: A Theoretical Study on 1-Chloroethanol and 2- Chloroethanol, Concetta Caglioti, Masaaki Nakamura, Dock-Chil Che, Po-Yu Tsai, Federico Palazzetti, Symmetry 14, 317 (2022). DOI: 10.3390/sym14020317
- High spatial resolution multimodal imaging by tapping-mode scanning probe electrospray ionization with feedback control, Yoichi Otsuka, Bui Kamihoriuchi, Aya Takeuchi, Futoshi Iwata, Sara Tortorella, Takuya Matsumoto, Anal. Chem, 93, 4 (2021).
- Sacrificial Gold Coating Enhances Transport of Liquid Metal in Pressurized Fountain Pen Lithography, Gideon I. Livshits, Jiannan Bao, Leo Sakamoto, Yuki Usami, Yoichi Otsuka, Takuya Matsumoto, Sci. Rep., 11, 4670 (2021).
- In-Materio Reservoir Computing in a Sulfonated Polyaniline Network, Yuki Usami, Bram van de Ven,Dilu G. Mathew,Tao Chen,Takumi Kotooka,Yuya Kawashima, Yuichiro Tanaka,Yoichi Otsuka, Hiroshi Ohoyama, Hakaru Tamukoh, Hirofumi Tanaka, Wilfred G. van der Wiel, Takuya Matsumoto, Advanced Materials 33 (48), 2102688 (2021). DOI:10.1002/adma.202102688 Frontispiece:
- Revisit of XPS Studies of Supersonic O2 Molecular Adsorption on Cu(111): Copper Oxides, Koki Hayashida, Yasutaka Tsuda, Takashi Yamada, Akitaka Yoshigoe, and Michio Okada*, ACS Omega, 6 (40), 26814–26820 (2021). DOI:10.1021/acsomega.1c04663
- Accessing the Conduction Band Dispersion in CH3NH3PbI3 Single Crystals, Jinpeng Yang*, Haruki Sato, Hibiki Orio, Xianjie Liu, Mats Fahlman, Nobuo Ueno, Hiroyuki Yoshida*, Takashi Yamada*, and Satoshi Kera*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12 (15), 3773–3778 (2021). DOI:10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c00530
- Lateral Distribution of Optical Excitation at Boundaries around Rubrene Islands Visualized by Microspot Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy, Daijiro Okaue, Ryosuke Hayashi, Kyohei Wakayama, Natsumi Ito, Toshiaki Munakata, and Takashi Yamada*, Surf. Sci., 709, 121847 (2021). DOI:10.1016/j.susc.2021.121847
- Kentaro Kajimoto, Kento Araki, Yuki Usami, Hiroshi Ohoyama, and Takuya Matsumoto
Visualization of Charge Migration in Conductive Polymers via Time-Resolved Electrostatic Force Microscopy
J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 25, 5063–5070 (2020).
- Jiannan Bao, Yoichi Otsuka, Riko Etoh, Yuki Usami and Takuya Matsumoto
Local-field-induced current noise in shape-limited self-doped polyaniline
Nanotechnology, 31, 365203 (2020). DOI: org/10.1088/1361-6528/ab96e4
- UV Photodissociation of Halothane in a Focused Molecular Beam: Space-Speed Slice Imaging of Competitive Bond Breaking into Spin–Orbit-Selected Chlorine and Bromine Atoms
Dock-Chil Che, Masaaki Nakamura, Hsiu-Pu Chang, King-Chuen Lin, Toshio Kasai, Vincenzo Aquilanti, and Federico Palazzetti
J. Phys. Chem. A 2020, 124, 26, 5288–5296 (2020). DIO:
- Frequency-modulation Kelvin probe force microscopy under tapping mode operation for surfaces with large protrusions Tomoki Misaka, Kentaro Kajimoto, Kento Araki, Yoichi Otsuka, Takuya Matsumoto, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 59, 90906 (2020).
- Homogeneous chemical state of self-doped polyaniline sub-micrometer thickness lines fabricated by fountain-pen lithography, Jiannan Bao, Yoichi Otsuka, Takuya Matsumoto, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 60, 15002 (2020).
- Space – and – speed Slice Imaging of Molecular Photdissociation: Stereodirectionality and Chirality, F. Palazzetti, A. Lombardi, M. Nakamura, P.-Y. Tsai, D.-C. Che, T. Kasai, K.-C. Lin, V. Aquilanti, Acc. Nazionale Sci. XL, (2020), Vol. I, pp. 49-54. ISSN 0392-4130
- Evidence of Direct Dissolution of CO2 into the Ionic Liquid [C4min] [NTf2] during Their Initial Interaction, Takahiro Teramoto, Hiroshi Ohoyama, J. Phys. Chem. B, 124(38) 8331 – 8339 (2020).:10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c05172
- 阪本 怜央, 大塚 洋一, 西嶋 知史, 大山 浩, 松本 卓也
表面と真空, 62 (9), 555-560 (2019).
- T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, P. -Y. Tsai, M. Nakamuram K. -C. Lin
Roaming and chaotic behaviors in collisional and photo-initiated molecular-beam reactions: a role of classical vs. quantum nonadiabatic dynamics.
Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei. 29, 219-232 (2019). DOI:
- Yoichi Otsuka, Satoshi Nishijima, Leo Sakamoto, Kento Kajimoto, Kento Araki, Tomoki Misaka, Hiroshi Ohoyama and Takuya Matsumoto
Chemical control of electronic coupling between a ruthenium complex and gold electrode for resonant tunneling condition
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 24331-24338 (2019). DOI:10.1021/
- Kentro Kajimoto, Kento Araki, Tomoki Mikasa, Leo Sakamoto, Yoichi Otsuka, Hiroshi Ohoyama
Statistical procedure for comparison of potential difference between single-component sample surfaces
and Takuya Matsumoto
Appl. Phys. Express 12, 075011-1-4 (2019). DOI: 10.7567/1882-0786/ab26d2
- Kento Araki, Yutaka Ie, Yoshio Aso, Hiroshi Ohoyama and Takuya Matsumoto
Time-resolved electrostatic force microscopy using tip-synchronized charge generation with pulsed laser excitation
Commun. Phys. 2, 10-1-8 (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s42005-019-0108-x
- M. Nakamura, H.-P. Chang, K.-C. Lin, T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, F. Palazzetti and V. Aquilanti, “Stereodynamic Imaging of Bromine Atomic Photofragments Eliminated from 1‑Bromo-2-methylbutane Oriented via Hexapole State Selector”, J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 6635-6644, (2019).
- M. Nakamura, F. Palazzetti, P.-Y. Tsai, S.-J. Yang, K.-C. Lin, T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, A. Lombardi, V. Aquilanti, “Vectorial Imaging of the Photodissociation of 2-Bromobutane Oriented via Hexapola State Selection”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 14164-14172, (2019).
- Bui Kamihoriuchi, Yoichi Otsuka, Aya Takeuchi, Futoshi Iwata and Takuya Matsumoto
Visualization of sampling and ionization processes in scanning probe electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
Mass spectrometry 7, S0078 (2018). DOI: 10.5702/massspectrometry.S0078
- T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, P.-Y. Tsai, M. Nakamura, B. Muthiah, K. C.-Lin, “Roaming and chaotic behaviors in collisional and photo-initiated molecular-beam reactions: a role of classical vs. quantum nonadiabatic dynamics”, Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 29, 219-232, (2018).
- R. Murakami, H. Hokonohara, D.-C. Che, T. Kawai, T. Matsumoto, M. Ishiura, “Atomic force microscopy analysis of SasA‐KaiC complex formation involved in information transfer from the KaiABC clock machinery to the output pathway in cyanobacteria”, Genes Cells, 23, 294-306, (2018).
- Reiko Murakami, Hitomi Hokonohara, Dock-Chil Che, Tomoji Kawai, Takuya Matsumoto, Masahiro Ishiura
Atomic force microscopy analysis of SasA-KaiC complex formation involved in information transfer from the KaiABC clock machinery to the output pathway in cyanobacteria.
Genes to Cells 23, 294-306 (2018). DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12574
- Satoshi Nishijima , Yoichi Otsuka, Hiroshi Ohoyama, Kentaro Kajimoto, Kento Araki and Takuya Matsumoto
Resonant tunneling via a Ru–dye complex using a nanoparticle bridge junction
Nanotechnology 29, 245205 (6pp) (2018). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aab7ba
- Paul K. P, Che D. C., Hiroyuki K., Araki K., Matsumoto T
Adsorption characteristics of Cytochrome c/DNA complex Langmuir molecular assemblies at the air–water interface: a surface area-normalized isotherm study
RSC Advances 2017 7, 37755-37764.
- Usami Y., Otsuka Y., Naitoh Y., Matsumoto T
Conjugated Electrical Properties of Au Nanoparticles-Polyanilin Network
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2017 56, 128001, 1-3.
- Nakamura M., Yang S.-J., Lin K.-C., Kasai T., Che D.-C., Lombardi A., Palazzetti F., Aquilanti V
Stereodirectional images of molecules oriented by a variable-voltage hexapolar field: Fragmentation channels of 2-bromobutane
J. Chem. Phys., 2017 147[1], 13917, 1-7.
- Yuki Usami, Kentaro Imamura, Tomoki Akai, Dock-Chil Che, Hiroshi Ohoyama, Hikaru Kobayashi, Takuya Matsumoto
Intra-grain conduction of self-doped polyaniline
J. Appl. Phys. 120, 084308-1-7 (2016).
- 角田 早、大山 浩、松本 卓也
(I-V Measurement of Lysozyme Single Molecule by Conductive-AFM)
第35回表面科学学術講演会特集号 [I], 37, 294-298 (2016)
- 西 山 雅 祥、石 塚 守、金 子 文 俊、福 本 敬 夫、東 正 弘 蔡 徳 七、小 林 光、笠 井 俊 夫
科学教育研究 40-2号 (2016)(in press)
- Masaaki Nakamura, Shiun-Jr. Yang, Po-Yu Tsai, Toshio Kasai, King-Chuen Lin, Dock-Chil Che , Andrea Lombardi, Federico Palazzetti, Vincenzo Aquilanti
Hexapole-Oriented Asymmetric-Top Molecules and Their Stereodirectional Photodissociation The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2016)(in press)
- Takuya Matsumoto*, Haruka Matsuo, Saki Sumida, Yoshiaki Hirano, Dock-Chil Che, Hiroshi Ohyama
Nonlinear electric transport in macromolecular system for stochastic computing
International journal of parallel, emergent and distributed systems, DOI:10.1080/17445760.2016.1144186(2016))
- Kento Araki, Yutaka Ie, Yoshio Aso, Takuya Matsumoto
Fine structures of organic photovoltaic thin films probed by frequency-shift electrostatic force microscopy
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55[7], 070305-1-3 (2016))
- Kohigashi T, Otsuka Y, Shimazu R, Matsumoto T, Iwata F, Kawasaki H, Arakawa A
Reduced Sampling Size with Nanopipette for Tapping-Mode Scanning Probe Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging.
Mass Spectrometry, 2016, 5, S0054.
- Ohoyama.H,Teramoto.T
Initial dissolution of D2O at the gas–liquid interface of the ionic liquid [C4min][NTf2] associated with hydrogen-bond network formation.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 28061-28068.
- T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, P.^Y. Tsai, K.-C. Lin, F. Palazzettia, V. Aquilanti
Stereodynamics: From elementary processes to macroscopic chemical reactions
AIP Conf. Proc. 1702, 090023 (2015);
- H. Ohoyama
Atomic Alignment Effect on Reactivity and on Product Alignment in the Energy-Transfer Reaction of Oriented Ar (3P2, 4s [3/2]2, MJ = 2) + Kr (4p6, 1S0) → Ar (3p6, 1S0) + Kr (5p [3/2]2)J. Phys. Chem. A, (2015)119[10], 1820-1829 DOI: 10.1021/jp509989x
- 松尾 春佳、角田 早、蔡 徳七、大山 浩、中村 一平、 綱島 亮、松本 卓也, AFMによる{Mo154/152}-ringの単一分子電気伝導度計測, 第34回表面科学学術講演会特集号 [III],36, 454-458(2015)
- Harumasa Yamaguchi, Dock-Chil Che, Yoshiaki Hirano, Masayuki Suzuki, Yoshiki Higuchi, Takuya Matsumoto, Nanoscale charge transport in cytochrome c3/DNA network: Comparative studies between redox-active molecules, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,54, 095201-1-4(2015)
- Y. Hirano, Y. Segawa, T. Kuroda-Sowa, T. Kawai and T. Matsumoto, Conductance with stochastic resonance in Mn12 redox network without tuning, Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 233104-1-4. (2014)
- H. Ohoyama
Collision Energy Dependent Cross Section and Rotational Alignment of NO (A 2S+) in the Energy Transfer Reaction of N2 (A3Su+) + NO (X 2P) → N2 (X 1Sg+) + NO (A 2S+).
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2014, 118, 9646-9652.
- T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, M. Oksada, P. -Y. Tsai, K.-C. Lin, F.Palazzetti, V. Aquilanti,
Directions of chemical change: experimental characterization of the stereodynamics of photodissociation and reactive processes.
Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 2014, 16, 9776—9790.
- F. Palazzetti, G. S. Maciel, K. Kanda, M.Nakamura, D.-C.Che, T.Kasai, V.Aquilanti,
Control of conformers combining supersonic seeded molecular beams with analysis and selection by a hexapole electrostatic field: 2-butanol”
Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 2014, 16, 9866-9875.
- Y. Hirano, Y. Segawa, T. Kawai and T. Matsumoto, Stochastic Resonance in
a Molecular Redox Circuit, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 140-145. (2013)
- V. Aquilanti, D.-C. Che, K. Kanda, T. Kasai,
G. S. Maciel, M. Nakamura, and F. PalazzettiControl of Conformers Combining Supersonic Seeded Molecular Beams
with Analysis and Selection by a Hexapolar Electrostatic Field: 2-butanolPhys.Chem.Chem.Phys, (inpress)(2013)
- D.-C. Che, A. Shimoutchi, T. Mizukami, K.
Nose, A. Seiyama, T. KasaiEmanation of hydroxyl radicals from human skinIEEE Sensors J,13, 1225-1227(2013)
- M. Nakamura, D.-C. Che, P.-Y. Tsai, K.-C. Lin, and T. KasaiAlignment selection of the metastable CO(a3π1 molecule and the
steric effect in the aligned CO(a3π1 )+ NO reactionJ. Phys. Chem. A.,117, 8157-8162 (2013)
- A.Shimouchi,K. Nose, T. Mizukami,D.-C. Che,and M. ShiraiMolecular hydrogen consumption in the human body during the inhalation of hydrogen gasAdv Exp Med Biol., 789,315-21, (2013)
- F. Palazzettim, P.-Y. Tsai, A. Lombardi, M.
Nakamuram D.-C. Che,K.-C. Lin, T.
Kasai and V. AquilantiAlignedmolecules: chirality discrimination in photodissociationand in molecular
dynamicsRend.Fis. Acc. Lincei, 24, 299-308, (2013)
- Hirano, Y.; Ojima, K.; Miyake, Y.; Kawai, T.; Matsumoto, T.Emergence of High-density DNA Origami Network by Dewetting with a Binary SolventChem. Lett., 41, 1459-1461 (2012) Chemistry letters Editor’s Choice
- Hirano, Y.; Segawa, Y.; Yamada,
F.; Kuroda-Sowa, T.; Kawai, T.; Matsumoto, T.Mn12 Molecular Redox Array Exhibiting One-Dimensional Coulomb Blockade BehaviorJ. Phys. Chem. C , 116, 9895–9899 (2012)
- Ohoyama, H.; Maruyama, S.Alignment Effect of N2 (A 3Σ+) in the Energy Transfer Reaction of Aligned N2 (A3Σ+) + NO (X
2Π )→ NO (A 2Σ+) + N2 (X1Σg+).J.Phys.Chem.A.,116, 6685–6692 (2012)
- Ohoyama, H.; Maruyama, S.Stereo Correlated Dynamics in the Energy Transfer Process of Aligned N2
(A 3Σu+ )+ Oriented NO (X2Π, Ω= 1/2) → NO (A 2Σ+) + N2 (X1Σg+)J. Chem. Phys. , 137, 064311, 1-11 (2012)
- D.-C. Che, K. Kanda, F. Palazzetti, V. Aquilanti, T. KasaiElectrostatic Hexapole State-Selection of the Asymmetric-Top Mocele Propylene Oxide: Rotational and Orientational DistributionsChem. Phys., 399,180–192 (2012)
- T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, P.-Y. Tsai, L. C. LinReaction dynamics with molecular beams and oriented molecular beams: Tools for looking closer to chemical reactions and photodisscociationsJ. Chin. Chem. Soc.,59, 567-582 (2012)
- Y. Maeda, T. Matsumoto, and T. KawaiImaging of transverse electron transfer through a DNA molecule by simultaneous scanning tunnelingand frequency-modulation atomic force microscopyACS Nano, 5, 3141-3145 (2011).
- Hiroshi Matsuura,_ Hitomi Hokonohara, Tomoe Sugita, Akihiko Takagi, Kohji Suzuki,Takuya Matsumoto, and Tomoji KawaiDNA observation with scanning tunneling microscope using a solutionJ. Appl. Phys. 109, 034701 (2011).
- H. Ohoyama, Y. MatsuuraAtomic Alignment Effect in the Dissociative Energy Transfer Reactions of Metal Carbonyls [Fe (CO)5, Ni (CO)4] with Oriented Ar (3P2)J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, p10888–10893 (2011).
- H. Ohoyama, Y. MatsuuraSteric Effect in the Energy Transfer Reaction of Oriented CO (a3P, v’ = 0, W = 1& 2) + NO (X 2Π) → NO (A 2Σ+, B 2Π) + CO (X 1Σ+)J. Phys. Chem. A., 115, p8055–8063 (2011).
- Y. Matsuura, H. OhoyamaCollision–Induced Harpooning Observed in the Excimer Formation in the Oriented NF3 + Oriented Kr* (3P2, MJ = 2) ReactionJ. Phys. Chem. A, 115, p4583-4591 (2011).
- H. Ohoyama, K. Yamakawa, R. Oda, Y. Nagamachi, T. KasaiRotationally Correlated Reactivity in the CH (v = 0, J, Fi) + O2 → OH (A) + CO ReactionJ. Chem. Phys., 134, p114306(10 pages) (2011).Journal of Chemical Physics Editor’s Choice 2011
- H. OhoyamaMulti-Dimensional Steric Effect for the XeF* (B, C) Formation in the Oriented Xe* (3P2, MJ = 2) + Oriented NF3 ReactionPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, p182-189 (2011).
- P. –Y. Tsai, D. –C. Che, M. Nakamura, K.-C. Lin, T. KasaiOrientation Dependence for Br Formation in the Reaction of Oriented OH radical with HBr moleculePhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol.13, 1419 (2011)
- Y. Maeda, T. Akita, M. Daté, A. Takagi, T. Matsumoto, T. Fujitani, M. Kohyama;Nanoparticle arrangement by DNA-programmed self-assembly for catalyst applicationsJ. Appl. Phys., 108, 094326 (4pp), (2010)
- L. Pellegrino, I. Pallecchi, E. Gellingeri, G. Canu, A.S.Siri, D. Marre, Y. Yanagisawa, M. Ishikawa,T. Matsumoto, H. Tanaka, and T. KawaiAFM Nanopatterning of Transition Metal Oxide thin FilmsJ. Nanosci. Nanotech. 10, 4471-4476 (2010).
- Satomi Tabuchi, Yoichi Otsuka, Masaki Kanai, Hitoshi Tabata, Takuya Matsumoto, and Tomoji KawaiNano-scale resistivity reduction in single grain of lead phthalocyanineOrganic Electronics 11, 916-924 (2010).
- H. OhoyamaStudies on Reaction Dynamics using Oriented Molecular and Atomic BeamsJ. Vac. Soc. Jpn., 53, p654-660 (2010).
- H. OhoyamaMulti-Dimensional Molecular Steric Opacity Function for the XeCl* (B, C) Formation in the Oriented Xe* (3P2, MJ = 2) + Oriented CCl3F ReactionJ. Phys. Chem. A, 114, p11386-11392 (2010).
- H. Ohoyama, R. Oda, T. KasaiMulti-Dimensional Steric Effect for the XeBr* (B, C) Formation in the Oriented Xe* (3P2, MJ = 2) + Oriented CF3Br ReactionJ. Chem. Phys., 132, p234316 (2010) (8pages).
- H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiMulti-dimensional Steric Effect for the XeI* (B) Formation in the Oriented Xe *(3P2, MJ = 2) + Oriented CH3I ReactionPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, p6949-6955 (2010).
- P. –Y. Tsai, D. –C. Che, M. Nakamura, K.-C. Lin, T. KasaiOrientation dependence in the four-atom reaction of OH + HBr using the single-state oriented OH radical beamPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (Communications) vol. 12, p2532-2534, (2010).
- D. –C. Che, F. Palazzetti, Y. Okuno, V. Aquilanti, T. KasaiElectrostatic Hexapole State-Selection of the Asymmetric-Top Molecule Propylene OxideJ. Phys. Chem. A. vol. 114, p. 3280-3286, (2010).
- Eriko Mikamo-Satoh, Akihiko Takagi, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Takuya Matsumoto, Tsutomu Nishimura, and Tomoji KawaiProfiling of gene-dependent translational progress in cell-free protein synthesis by real-space imaging.Anal. Biochem. 394,275-280 (2009).
- Akihiko Takagi, Fumihiko Yamada, Takuya Matsumoto, and Tomoji KawaiElectrostatic force spectroscopy on insulating surfaces: the effect of capacitive interaction.Nanotechnology, 20, 365501 (7pp) (2009).
- Eriko Mikamo-Satoh, Fumihiko Yamada, Akihiko Takagi, Takuya Matsumoto and Tomoji KawaiElectrostatic force microscopy: imaging DNA and protein polarizations one by one.Nanotechnology, 20, 145102 (6pp) (2009).
- H. Ohoyama, K. Yasuda, T. KasaiSteric Effect in the Energy Transfer Reaction of Oriented Kr (3P2, MJ = 2) + COJ. Phys. Chem. A, 113, p14017 -14021 (2009).
- H. Ohoyama, Y. Nagamachi, K. Yamakawa, T. KasaiCollision Energy Dependence of the Rotational-State-Resolved Cross Section in the CH (v = 0, J, Fi) + O2 → OH (A) + CO ReactionPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11, p10281 – 10285 (2009).
- H. Ohoyama, F. Kubo, T. KasaiMulti-Dimensional Steric Effects for the XeI* (B, C) Formations in the Oriented Xe* (3P2, MJ = 2) + Oriented CF3I ReactionJ. Chem. Phys., 113, p134306 (2009).
- H. Ohoyama, K. Yasuda, T. KasaiCorrelation between the Atomic Alignment and the Alignment of XeX* (B, C) Rotation in the Reactions of Oriented Xe (3P2, MJ = 2) + Halogen (X)-Containing MoleculesJ. Phys. Chem. A, 113, p10641-10647 (2009).
- H. Ohoyama, K. Yasuda, T. KasaiAtomic Alignment Effects for the Formation of Excimers RgX* (B, C) in the Reaction of Oriented Rg (3P2, MJ = 2) (Rg =Xe, Kr, Ar) + Halogen(X)-Containing MoleculesJ. Phys. Chem. A, 131, p14785 -14790 (2009).
- D. –C. Che, A. Doi, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Okuno, T. KasaiCollision energy dependence for the Br formation in the reaction of OD + HBrPhys. Scr., vol.80, 048110, (2009)
- Ryo Tsunashima1, Yuki Noda, Yoko Tatewaki, Shin-ichiro Noro, Tomoyuki Akutagawa, Takayoshi Nakamura, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiElectrical resistivity of molecular-assembly nanowires of amphiphilic bis-TTFmacrocycle/2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethan charge transfer complex characterized by PCI-AFM.Appl. Phy. Lett., 93, 173102-1-3 (2008).
- Hiroshi Matsuura, Ayako Hirai, Fumihiko Yamada, Takuya Matsumoto, Tornoji KawaiHigh-density DNA alignment on an Au(111) surface starting from folded DNA.J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 5002–5003(2008).
- Takaaki Hori, Xiaobin Peng, Naoki Aratani, Akihiko Takagi, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai,Zin Seok Yoon, Min-Chul Yoon, Jaesung Yang, Dongho Kim, and Atsuhiro OsukaSynthesis of nanometer-scale porphyrin wheels of variable size.Chem. Eur. J. 14, 582-595 (2008).
- K. Yasuda, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiAtomic Alignment Effect on the Branching to ArCl* and CCl2* Formation in the Reaction of Oriented Ar(3P2,MJ=2) + CCl4J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, p11543–11546 (2008).
- H. Ohoyama, K. Yasuda, T. KasaiSteric Effect in the Energy Transfer Reaction of N2 + Rg (3P2) (Rg = Kr, Ar)J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, p10716-10720 (2008).
- Min-Chul Yoon, Zin Seok Yoon, Sung Cho, Dongho Kim, Akihiko Takagi, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Takaaki Hori, Xiaobin Peng, Naoki Aratani, Atsuhiro OsukaA hexagonal Prismatic Porphyrin Array: Synthesis, STM Detection, and Efficient Energy Hopping in N near-infrared RegionJ. Phys .Chem. A, 111 [38] 9233-9239 (2007).
- Akihiko Takagi, Takaaki Hori, Xiobin Peng, Naoki Aratani, Takuya Matsumoto, Atsuhiro Osuka,Tomoji KawaiDiscrete dihedral-angle modulation in porphyrin wheels adsorbed on Cu(100) observed by scanning tunneling microscopy.Surface Sci. 601, 2178-2181 (2007)
- Takao Kusaka, Kaoru Ojima, Takuya Matsumoto, and Tomoji KawaiTunnelling charge injection into a pentacene layer using dynamic-mode scanning force microscopy.Nanotechnology, 18, 095503 (5pp.), (2007)
- Takashi Yajima, Hirofumi Tanaka, Takuya Matsumoto, Yoichi Otsuka, Yoshitaka Sugawara, andTakuji OgawaRefinement of conditions of point-contact current imaging atomic force microscopy for molecular-scale conduction measurements.Nanotechnology, 18, 095501 (5pp.), (2007).
- Anchoring gold nanoparticles onto a mica surface by oxygen plasma ashing for sequential nanocomponent assembly.Akihiko Takagi, Kaoru Ojima, Eriko Mikamo, Takuya Matsumoto, and Tomoji KawaiAppl. Phys. Lett., 90, 043122 (3pp.) (2007).
- 大山 浩ラジカル―ラジカル反応における回転効果日本物理学会誌 62, p360-362 (2007).
- D. Watanabe, H. Ohoyama, T. Matsumura, T. KasaiEffect of Mutual Configuration between Molecular Orientation and Atomic Orientation in the Oriented Ar (3P2) + Oriented CF3H ReactionPhys. Rev. Lett., 99, p043201 (2007).
- H. Ohoyama, T. Matsumura, K. Yasuda, D. Watanabe, T. KasaiCorrelation between Atomic Orientation and Product Angular Momentum Alignment in the Reaction of Oriented Ar(3P2) with CH3OHJ. Chem. Phys., 127, p024303 (2007) (5pages).
- D. Watanabe, H. Ohoyama, T. Matsumura, T. KasaiEffect of molecular rotation on the atomic alignment dependence in the oriented Ar (3P2) + CF3H reactionJ. Phys. Chem. A, 111, p6915-6919 (2007).
- T. Matsumura, H. Ohoyama, D. Watanabe, K. Yasuda, T. KasaiDeuterium Isotope Effect on the Atomic Alignment Dependence in the Reaction of the Oriented Ar(3P2) with (CH3CN)2 and (CD3CN)2J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, p6945-6951 (2007).
- T. Matsumura, H. Ohoyama, D. Watanabe, K. Yasuda, T. KasaiDeuterium Isotope Effect on the Atomic Orbital Alignment Dependence in the Reaction of the Oriented Ar(3P2) with CH3CN (CD3CN)J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, p3069-3073 (5pages) (2007).
- Luca Pellegrino, Yoshihiko Yanagisawa, Mizue Ishikawa, Takuya Matsumoto, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Tomoji Kawai(Fe, Mn)3O4 nanochannels fabricated by AFM local oxidation nanolithography using Mo/poly(methyl. Methadrylate) nanomasks.Adv. Materials, 18, 3099-3104 (2006).
- Yasuyuki Nnakamura, Naoki Aratani, Hiroshi Shinokubo, Akihiko Takagi, Tomoji Kawai, Takuya Matsumoto, Zin Seok Yoon, Deok Yun Kim, Tae Kyu Ahn, Dongho Kim, Atuya Muranaka, Nagao Kobayashi, and Atsuhiro OsukaA directly fused tetrameric porphyrin sheet and its unique electronic properties that arise from the planar yclooctatetraene core.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 4119-4127 (2006).
- Hirofumi Tanaka, Takashi Yajima, Takuya Matsumoto, Yoichi Otsuka, Takuji OgawaPorphyrin molecules working as nanodevice on single-walled carbon nanotube wiring.Adv. Materals. 18, 1411-1415 (2006)
- Toshihiko Matsuura, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Takuya Matsumoto, and Tomoji KawaiAtomic Force Microscopic Observation of Escherichia coil Ribosomes in solution.Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 70, 300-302 (2006).
- Takaaki Hori, Naoki Aratani, Akihiko Takagi, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Min-Chul Yoon,Zin Seok Yoon, Sung Cho, Dongho Kim, and Atsuhiro OsukaGiant porphrin wheels with Large Electronic coupling as models of light harvesting photosynthetic antennaChem. Eur. J. 12, 1319-1327 (2006).
- ChikakoTakatoh, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Takayuki Saitoh and Kazuyoshi TakedaSingle molecular morphology of porphyrin / DNA complexChem. Lett. 35, 88-89 (2006).
- Chikako Takatoh, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Takayuki Shitoh and Kazuyoshi TakedaOptical rotation inversion of porphyrin-DNA complexesTetrahedron Lett. 47, 519-522 (2006)
- D. Watanabe, H. Ohoyama, T. Matsumura, T. KasaiSignificant change of alignment effect by dimer formation in the dissociative energy transfer reaction of Ar (3P2) + (N2O)n and (H2O)nJ. Chem. Phys., 125, p224301 (7pages) (2006).
- D. Watanabe, H. Ohoyama, T. Matsumura, T. KasaiSteric effect in the energy transfer reaction of oriented Ar (3P2) + N2J. Chem. Phys., 125, p084316 (7pages) (2006).
- H. Ohoyama, Y. Nagamachi, T. KasaiState-selection and orientation of CH radicals by an electric hexapoleEuro Phys. J. D, 38, p231-236 (2006).
- D. Watanabe, H. Ohoyama, T. Matsumura, T. KasaiCharacterization of an oriented metastable atom source based on a magnetic hexapoleEuro J. Phys.D, 38, p219-223 (2006).
- D. Watanabe, H. Ohoyama, M. Takahashi, T. KasaiMJ and collision energy dependent attenuation of Rg(3P2) by CF3BrEuro Phys. J. D, 38, p29-34 (2006).
- K Koizumi, M. Shoji, Y. Kitagawa, H. Ohoyama, T. Kasai, K. YamaguchiThe electronic structure and magnetic property of u-hydroxo bridged manganese porphyrin dimerEuro Phys. J. D, 38, p193-197 (2006).
- Y. Nagamachi, H. Ohoyama, K. Yamakawa, T. KasaiDevelopment of a highly intense state-selected CH radical beam source for the study on the collision energy dependent reaction dynamicsChem. Phys. Lett.,421, p124-128 (2006).
- Kaoru Ojima, Yoichi Otsuka, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Kenichiro Nakamatsu, andShinji MatsuiPrinting Electrode for Top-Contact Molecular JunctionAppl. Phys. Lett. 87, 234110 (3pp.) (2005)
- Naoki Aratani, Akihiko Takagi, Yoshiki Yanagawa, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Zin Seok Yoon, Dongho Kim, and Atsuhiro OsukaGiant meso–meso-Linked Porphyrin Arrays of Micrometer Molecular Length and Their Fabrication.Chem. Eur. J. 11, 3389-3404 (2005).
- Ayumu Terawaki, Yoichi Otsuka, Heayeon Lee, Takuya Matsumoto, Hidekazu Tanaka,Tomoji KawaiConductance measurement of a DNA network in nanoscale by point contact current imaging atomic force microscopy.Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 113901-113903 (2005).
- Yasuyuki Nakamura, in-Wook Hwang, Naoki Aratani, Tae Kyu Ahn, Dah Mee Ko, Akihiko Takagi,Tomoji Kawai, Takuya Matsumoto, Dongho Kim, and Atsuhiro OsukaDirectly meso-meso linked porphyrin rings: synthesis, characterization, and efficient excitation energy hopping.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 236-246 (2005).
- Y. Nagamachi, H. Ohoyama, K. Ikejiri and T. KasaiRotational state-resolved reaction cross-section in the reactions of state-selected CH with NO and with O2.J. Chem. Phys., 122, p064307-1-5 (2005).
- K. Ikejiri, H. Ohoyama, Y. Nagamachi, T. KasaiA highly intense state-selected CH radical beam and its application to the CH + O2 reactionChem. Phys. Lett., 401, p465-469 (2005).
- Fumihiko Ymada, Yutaka Sacho, Takuya Matsumoto, Hidekazu Tanaka, Tomoji KawaiDNA-templated assembly of Au nanoparticles via step-by-step binding reaction.e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 2, 222-225 (2004).
- Xiaobin Peng, Naoki Aratani, Akihiko Takagi, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, In-Wook Hwang,Tae kyu Ahn, Dongho Kim, Atsuhiro OsukaA Dodecameric Porphyrin Wheel as a Light-Harvesting AntenaJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 95, 7091-7093, (2004)
- Chiho Hamai, Akihiko Takagi, Masateru Taniguchi, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiKinetic and thermodynamic control via chemical bond rearrangement on Si(001) surface.Angew. Chem. Int, Ed. 43, 1349-1352 (2004).
- Toshihiko Matsuura, Kappei Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiScanning Force Microscopic Studies of Escherichia coil Ribosomes on solid substrate surface.Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 4599-4601 (2004).
- R.Li, T.Kanki, H.Tohyama, J.Zhang, Hide.Tanaka, A.Takagi, T.Matsumoto, T.KawaiAFM Lithography in Perovskite Manganite La0.8Ba0.2MnO3 FilmsJ.Appl.Phys. 95, 7091-7093, (2004)
- Run-Wei Li, Teruo Kanki, Hidekazu Tanaka, Akihiko Takagi, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiRelaxation of Nano-pattern on Nb-doped SrTiO3 Surface.Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2670-2672 (2004).
- Yoichi Otsuka, Yasuhisa Naitoh, Takuya Matsumoto, Wataru Mizutani, Hitoshi Tabata,Tomoji KawaiA Simple Fabrication Method of Nanogap Electrodes for Top-contacted Geometry: Application to Porphyrin Nanorods and a DNA network.Nanotechnology, 15, 1639-1644, (2004)
- Kohei Imura, Hiroshi Ohoyama, Toshio KasaiStructures and its dipole moments of half-sandwich type metal-benzene(1:1) complexes determined by 2-m long electrostatic hexapoleChem. Phys., 301, p183-187 (2004).
- Akihiko Takagi, Yoshiki Yanagawa, Akihiko Tsuda, Naoki Aratani, Takuya Matsumoto,Atsuhiro Osuka and Tomoji KawaiSTM imaging of individual porphyrin hexamers; meso-meso slingly linked orthogonal hexamer andmeso-meso, b–b, b–btiply-linked planear hexamer on Cu(100) surface.Chem. Commun. 2986-2987 (2003).
- 大塚洋一、内藤泰久、寺脇歩、松本卓也、川合知二点接触電流イメージング原子間力顕微鏡の開発表面科学 24, 573-577 (2003)
- Katsunori Tagami, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai, Tasaru TsukadaTheoretical prescriptions for improving conductance of short DNA segments sandwiched betweenmetal electrode.Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42, 5887-5891 (2003).
- Katsunori Tagami, Masaru Tsukada, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiElectronic transport properties of free-base tape-porphyrin molecular wires studied byself-consistent tight-binding calculations.Phys. Rev. B 67, 245324 (6pp.) (2003).
- Teruo Kanki, Run-Wei Li, Yasuhisa Naitoh, Hidekazu Tanaka, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiNanoscale obserbation of room-temperature ferromagnetism on ultrathin (La, Ba)MnO3 films.Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1184-1186 (2003).
- Yoichi Otsuka, Yasuhisa Naitoh, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiPoint-contact current-imaging atomic force microscopy: Measurement of contact resistancebetween single-walled carbon nanotubes.Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 1944-1946 (2003).
- S. Okada, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiProbing branching mechanism through resonance-type oscillation in the collision-energy dependence of Penning ionization reaction of Ar (3P) with oriented-CH3IJ. Chem. Phys., 119, p7131-7138 (2003).
- K. Koizumi, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiCollision Energy Resolved Steric Effect on the Penning Ionization Reaction of tert-Butyl Bromide and Kr(3P)Chem. Phys. Lett., 378, p486-492 (2003).
- K. Ikejiri, H. Ohoyama, Y. Nagamachi, T. Teramoto, T. KasaiA highly intense single state-selected OH beam source by the pulsed electric DC discharge methodChem. Phys. Lett., 379, p255-260 (2003).
- A. Okano, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiComparison of OH(A-X) chemiluminescence spectra from photo-initiated intra-cluster reaction of HBr-N2O isomers prepared with He and Ar seeding gasesChem. Phys. Lett., 374, p194-200 (2003).
- K. Koizumi, H. Ohoyama, S. Okada, T. KasaiSteric Effect in the Endothermic Penning Ionization Reaction of tert-Butyl Bromide with Kr(3P)J. Chem. Phys., 118, p5395-5399 (2003).
- Kohei Imura, Hiroshi Ohoyama, Toshio KasaiMetal-Ligand Interaction of Ti-C6H6 Complex Size-Selected by a 2 m- Long Electrostatic Hexapole FieldChem. Phys. Lett., 369, p55-59 (2003).
- Yoichi Otsuka, Yasuhisa Naitoh, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji KawaiA Nano tester: A new technique for nanoscale electrical characterization by point-contactcurrent-imaging atomic force microscopy.Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41 L742-L744 (2002).
- S. Okada, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiNuclear-excited Feshbach resonance in the Ar(3Π) + CH3Br Penning ionization reaction under orientation and velocity specified collisionsJ. Chem. Phys., 117, p7925-7930 (2002).
- S. Okada, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiStereo-selectivity in the Penning Ionization Reaction of CH3X (X = Cl, Br, I) + Ar(3P)→ CH3X+ + Ar + e-Chem. Phys. Lett., 355, p77-81(2002).
- H. Kawaguchi, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiCollision energy dependent cross section of total quenching and CF3* formation in the CF3H+Ar(3P) reaction.Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 75, p85-88 (2002).
- M. Hashinokuchi, R. Koumura, D. -C. Che, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiA New Channel of Hydrogen Elimination in the 121.6-nm Photodissociation of Formic Acid Detected by a Doppler-Selected TOF Mass SpectrometryJ. Mass spectr., 50, No.1 , p7-10 (2002).
- A. Okano, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiFocusing and selecting the linear type HBr-N2O by using a 2-m long electrostatic hexapole fieldJ. Chem. Phys., 116, p1325-1329 (2002).
- R. Akiyama, H.Tanaka, T.Matsumoto, T. KawaiSpin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy on half-metallic manganite thin film withhalf-metallic manganite tip.Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 4378-4380 (2001).
- Yasuhisa Naitoh, Takuya Matsumoto, Ken-ich Sugiura, Yoshiteru Sakata, Tomoji KawaiSelf-assembled stripe structure of zinc-phthalocyanine on graphite surfaces.Surface Sci. 487, L534-L540 (2001).
- Yasushi Maeda, Hidehiro Nishijima, Seiji Akita, Takuya Matsumoto, Yoshikazu Nakayama,Tomoji KawaiReduction of Long-range Interaction using Carbon Nanotube Probes in Biological Systems.Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40, 1425-1428 (2001).
- K. Imura, T. Kawashima, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiEvidence for the HCl+(A) formation in the reaction of Ne(3P) with the size-selected HCl dimer using an electrostatic hexapole fieldChem. Lett., No.11, p1136-1137 (2001).
- A. Okano, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiAb initio study on the potential energy surface and geometric isomers of the HBr-N2O (1:1) clusterChem. Phys. Lett., 349, p329-334 (2001).
- D. –C. Che, M. Hashinokuchi, Y. Shimizu, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiPhotodissociation of DCl dimer selected by an electrostatic hexapole filed combined with Doppler-selected TOF technique: Observation of [ClDCl] transient speciesPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 3, p4979-4983 (2001).
- K. Imura, T. Kawashima, H. Ohoyama, T. Kasai, A. Nakajima, K. KayaNon-Destructive Selection of Geometrical Isomers of Al(C6H6) Clusterby an 2-Meter Electrostatic Hexapole FieldPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 3, p3593-3597 (2001).
- H. Ohoyama, M.Yamato, S. Okada, T. Kasai, B. G. Brunetti, F. VecchiocattiviDirect Measurement of Oscillating Behavior in Ar(3P) + CH3Cl → Ar + CH3Cl+ + e- Ionization Cross Section by Velocity and Orientational Angle Selected CollisionsPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 3, p3598-3601 (2001).
- K.Imura, T. Kawashima, H. Ohoyama, T. KasaiDirect determination of the permanent dipole moments and structures of Al-CH3CN and Al-NH3 by using 2-meter electrostatic hexapole fieldJ. Amer. Chem. Soc., 123, p6367-6371(2001).
- M. Yamato, H. Ohoyama, * T. Kasai2D-Measurement of Penning Ionization Cross Section upon Molecular Orientation and Collision Energy in Ar(3P2,0) + CHCl3 Crossed Beam ReactionJ. Phys. Chem.A, 105, p2961-2972 (2001).
- B.G.Brunetti,P.Candori,S.Falcinelli,+H.Ohoyama,T.Kasai,F.Vecchiocattivi,.Velocity Dependence of Ionization Cross Section of Methyl Chrolide Molecules by Metastable Argon Atom collisionsPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 3, p807-810 (2001).
- 松本卓也
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 IECE Tdchnical Report SDM2019-4, OME2019-4, 13-17 (2019).
- Federico Palazzettia,*, Andrea Lombardia, Masaaki Nakamurab, Shiun-Jr. Yangb
Toshio Kasaib, King-Chuen Linb, Po-Yu Tsaic, Dock-Chil Che
Rotational state-selection and alignment of chiral molecules by electrostatic hexapoles
AIP Conf. Proc. (2016) in press
- Federico Palazzettia,*, Andrea Lombardia, Shiun-Jr. Yangb, Masaaki Nakamurab,
Toshio Kasaib, King-Chuen Linb, Dock-Chil Che, Po-Yu Tsaid
Stereodirectional Photodynamics: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives
AIP Conf. Proc. (2016) in press
- Nonlinear Electric Transport in Macromolecular System
Takuya Matsumoto, Haruka Matsuo, Yoshiaki Hirano
The 2015 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2015), 785-788 (2015).
- Stochastic Resonance in a Molecular Redox Circuit
Yoshiaki Hirano, Yuji Segawa, Tomoji Kawai, Takuya Matsumoto
Nanoenergy Letters 6, 33-34 (2013).
走査プローブ生体分子イメージングにおけるデータ駆動型解析 松本卓也、村上怜子、大塚洋一 表面と真空 65, (1), 15-20 (2022).
- 生体システムの多彩な分子環境を捉える直接液体抽出イオン化法 大塚洋一 日本質量分析学会誌68, 59 (2020)
- 松本卓也、荒木健人、梶本健太郎
表面と真空63, (5), 245-250 (2020).
- 大塚洋一
日本の科学者55, 34 (2020). ISBN978-4-7807-1362-6
- 大塚洋一
特集:アンビエントイオン化と質量分析イメージング, 巻頭言
日本質量分析学会誌67, 111 (2019). DOI: org/10.1380/vss.62.516
- 上堀内武尉、大塚洋一、竹内 彩、・岩田 太、・松本卓也
表面と真空 62, ( 8), 516-521 (2019), DOI:10.1380/vss.62.516
- 電子移動反応に立脚した分子エレクトロニクス松本卓也生産と技術 65 (4), 57-60 (2013).
- シトクロムcを用いた酸化還元ネットワークにおける確率共鳴現象松本卓也、平野義明化学工業 64 (8), 580-584 (2013).
- Single molecular observation of DNA and DNA complexes by atomic force microscopyT. Matsumoto, E. Mikamo-Satoh, A. Takagi, T. KawaiCurrent Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,13, 2589-2598(2012)
- 絶縁体表面における吸着ナノ物質の静電気力イメージング-バイオ分子への応用-松本卓也、山田郁彦、佐藤-美甘江利子、高木昭彦、川合知二表面科学 29, 246-252 (2008).
- 走査プローブ顕微鏡を用いた表面電荷のナノスケール画像化松本卓也、川合知二粘土科学 47 (1), 1-8 (2008)
- 走査プローブ顕微鏡を用いた時間分解静電気力検出法の開発松本卓也、川合知二顕微鏡 43 (2), 149-151 (2008)
- プログラム自己組織化によるナノ材料・ナノデバイスの創成小嶋薫、安立京一、李奉局、李恵りょん、谷口正輝、松本卓也、川合知二表面科学 27, 151-156 (2006).
- 有機・バイオ材料の分子スケール電子機能測定-ナノテスタの開発と分子エレクトロニクスへの応用-松本卓也、川合知二超精密 15,54-61 (2005).
- 分子スケール電気伝導-ナノエレクトロニクスの視点から-松本卓也、谷口正輝、川合知二固体物理 39,527-536 (2004).
- ナノテスター:点接触電流画像化原子間力顕微鏡の開発松本卓也、川合知二応用物理 72, 602-604 (2003).
- 有機分子/金属界面における電子状態のアライメント高木昭彦、古川雅士、田中裕行、松本卓也、川合知二表面科学 23, 616-121 (2002).
- DNAのナノスケール構造と電子状態松本卓也、前田泰、内藤泰久、川合知ニ表面科学 23, 178-185 (2002).
- 限界を超える「走査プローブ顕微鏡と分子スケールエレクトロニクス」松本卓也、前田泰、川合知二バウンダリー 17, 8-16 (2001).
- 松本卓也
有機薄膜トランジスタ, 第II編,第15章,電子デバイス応用,第4節, ナノインプリント技術ハンドブック,平井義彦 編,
オーム社 579-584 (2019).
- 大山 浩・蔡 徳七
実用真空技術総覧 第4編第3章第3節
エヌ・ティー・エス 2019年02月4日
- 分子エレクトロニクスの新展開:分子ネットワークによる非ノイマン型情報処理へ向けて」、松本卓也、分子アーキテクトニクス:単分子技術が拓く新たな機能(日本化学会編)、Part Ⅲ研究最前線、17章、化学同人、p166-174 (2018)
- DNA molecular electronics, Matsumoto T., In Molecular Architectonics -The Third Stage of Single Molecule Electronics, Ogawa T ed.; Springer 2017, pp. 95-109.
- 有機薄膜トランジスタ松本卓也ナノインプリント技術(松井真二、平松義彦 編著)第12章有機エレクトロニクス応用、第一節、電子情報通信学会 212-218, (2014).
- 超分子ナノエレクトロニクス松本卓也超分子サイエンス&テクノロジー-基礎からイノベーションまで-((国武豊喜 監修)第3章 超分子の新しい展開とナノマテリアル、第2節 超分子デバイス、NTS、p.642-646 (2009).
- 有機分子試料測定のために松本卓也実験物理科学シリーズ6 「走査プローブ顕微鏡」(重川秀実、吉村雅満、河津 璋 共編) 実践編、 第2章 試料の作り方・扱い方、第3節、p.170-178 (2009).
- 分子マニピュレーション松本卓也表面物性工学ハンドブック第2版(小間篤 他共編、丸善)第19章、第2節、p. 769-772 (2007).
- 観察例3-DNA松本卓也表面物性工学ハンドブック第2版(小間篤 他共編、丸善)第6章SPM、第2節STM、第3項 p. 292-293 (2007).
- 有機・バイオ分子の解析松本卓也実戦ナノテクノロジー「走査プローブ顕微鏡と局所分光」(重川秀実 他共編、裳華房)第7章・第1節、p. 371-388 (2005).
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡による計測松本卓也日本化学会編 第5版 実験化学講座 28巻ナノテクノロジーの化学、丸善、p. 133-165 (2005).
- 走査プローブ顕微鏡で測る松本卓也、川合知二先端化学シリーズVI、丸善 p. 198-204 (2004).
- SPMによるナノ物質の電気伝導度測定松本卓也、川合知二化学フロンティア6「分子ナノテクノロジー」, 化学同人 p.53-64 (2002)
- T. Matsumoto, T.Kawai, T.Yokoyama, “Supramolecular chemistry on solid surfaces”, pp. 107-121 in Chemistry of Nanomolecular systems – towards the realization of nanomolecular devices, eds. T.Nakamura, T.Matsumoto, H.Tada, K.-I.Sugiura, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heiderberg 2002.
- 分子スケールエレクトロニクスに関する最近の動向松本卓也新化学発展協会(ASPRONC)電子情報技術部会調査報告書 p. 1-75 (2001).
- 蔡 徳七物理化学実験法 第4版、 東京化学同人、第19章 (2000)
5.その他の依頼執筆(紹介記事、講義資料、雑文など)(Other publications)
- 松本卓也
研究会へようこそ 第6回「分子アーキテクトニクス研究会」
化学 75[6], 54-55 (2020)
- 大塚洋一
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, 67(4), 111 (2019)
- 松本卓也
巻頭言 “頼もしい日本表面科学会”
表面と真空, 62[7], 399 (2019) doi:org/10.1380/vss.62.399
- 桑原裕司、松本卓也
表面と真空, 62[4], 227-228 (2019) doi: org/10.1380/vss.62.227
- 松本卓也
”追悼:桑田敬冶先生を偲ぶ“ 永契会誌, 32, 6-7 (2019)
- 松本卓也
”関西支部における国際活動 ISSS-7とSSSN-Kansai”
表面科学、38 [10],531-532 (2017)
- 先端追跡-ナノ微粒子の超格子結晶松本卓也表面科学 28, p.610 (2007).
- ナノスケール分子デバイスの開発に関する調査報告書松本卓也(第3章の一部、第4章、第5章の一部)(財)日本産業技術振興協会 p.59-66, (2006).
- 先端追跡-DNAを用いた自己組織的ナノ構造形成松本卓也表面科学 27, p. 128 (2006).
- 第52回アメリカ真空学会報告松本卓也平成17年度ナノスケール分子デバイスの開発に関する調査報告書”財団法人 日本産業技術新興協会 p121-123,(2006).
- 単一巨大分子の表面における構造・物性・反応松本卓也第29回応用物理学会スクールB「単一分子エレクトロニクス」テキスト p.55-71 (2001).
- 研究ノート-ナノサイエンス・ナノテクノロジー松本卓也大阪大学低温センターだより 113, p.1-4 (2000).
- 先端追跡-DNA分子の電気伝導松本卓也表面科学 21, p.140 (2000).
A. 成立特許(登録済み)
- 特許第5051534号 登録日:2012年8月3日「核酸を用いた微細構造制御法の微粒子担特触媒への応用」前田泰、藤谷忠博、香山正憲、松本卓也、高木昭彦
- 特許第4992009号 登録日:2012年5月18日「磁気抵抗素子およびその製造方法、並びにその利用」松本卓也、山田郁彦、黒田孝義、川合知二
- 登録番号 カナダ特許 2,503,957 登録日 July 06, 2010″Peobe device and method of controlling the same”Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai
- 登録番号 特許第4452278, 登録日:2010年2月5日「探針装置」松本卓也、川合知二
- 米国特許 US 7,486,667 B2 登録日:Feb 10, 2009″Probe apparatus for measuring an electron state on a sample surface”Takkuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai
- 米国特許 US 7,250,602 B2, 登録日:July 31, 2007″Probe device”Takuya Matsumoto, Yasuhisa Naitoh, Tomoji Kawai
- 米国特許 US 7,088,120 B2, 登録日:Aug 8, 2006″Method and apparatus for measuring and evaluating local electrical characteristics of a sample having a nano-scale structure”Takuya Matsumoto, Yoichi Otsuka, Yasuhisa Naitoh, Tomoji Kawai
- 特許第3623672号(P3623672), 登録日:2004年12月3日「超高真空パルス電流駆動器」松本卓也、川合知二
B. 特許出願
- 特願2012-191759「二端子多経路確率共鳴素子」赤井恵、桑原裕司、松本卓也、川合知二
- 特願2006-525267「核酸2重鎖を検出するためのカチオン性色素化合物、それを用いた検出方法及び装置」高東智佳子、武田収功、斎藤孝行、佐藤弘一、松本卓也、川合知二
- 国際出願番号PCT/JP2005/005584 (国際公開番号 WO 2006/035524 A1)”Microelectrode manufacturing method and microelectrode manufactured by themicroelectrode manufacturing method”「微小電極製造方法及びその製造方法によって作製された微小電極」松本卓也、松井真二、中松健一郎、小嶋薫、川合知二
- 特願2006-077059「金ナノ微粒子の固定化法」小嶋薫、高木昭彦、山田郁彦、松本卓也、川合知二
- 国際出願番号PCT/JP2005/023981 (国際公開番号 WO 2006/070841 A1)
- 特願2004-282564「微小電極製造方法及びその製造方法によって作製された微小電極」松本卓也、松井真二、中松健一郎、小嶋薫、川合知二
- 特願2004-079231「アフィニティータグ付きリボソーム」松浦俊彦, 小林括平, 田中裕行, 松本卓也, 川合知二
- 特願2004-381549「自己組織化材料または微粒子を基板上に固定化する方法、および当該方法を用いて作製した基板」川合知二、田畑仁、大塚洋一、山田郁彦、松本卓也
- 特願2003-412356「ナノギャップ電極の製造方法及び該方法により製造されたナノギャップ電極を用いた素子」内藤泰久、水谷亘、川西祐司、大塚洋一、松本卓也、田畑仁、川合知二
- 特願2002-245810「探針装置」松本卓也、内藤泰久、川合知ニ
- 特願2002-064264「分子集積回路素子及びその製造方法」松本卓也、川合知ニ、小川琢冶、松井真二、桑原裕司
- 特願2002-245811「探針装置」松本卓也、大塚洋一、内藤泰久、川合知二