日本学術振興会 研究拠点形成事業


JSPS Core-to-Core Program
(A.Advanced Research Networks)

Material Intelligence: Exploiting Intrinsic Learning and Optimazation Capabilities for Intelligent Systems



Itsuki Akeno (Hokkaido U. Japan) -Prof. Alexandre Schmid (EPFL, Switzerland)

Research collaboration with Prof. Alexandre Schmid

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

September – November 2024

Development of Novel Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms for Online Learning on Edge Analog Devices

Itsuki Akeno (Hokkaido University)


Itsuki Akeno spent approximately one month in the laboratory of Professor Alexandre Schmid, renowned for his achievements in analog circuits, to develop a novel semi-supervised learning algorithm for training on edge analog devices. Through this collaborative research, Mr. Akeno gained several insights into data augmentation techniques required for semi-supervised learning from the perspective of analog circuits. He will continue this joint research with Professor Schmid, conducting simulations on the newly proposed methods to validate their effectiveness and further refine them.

Mr. Akeno would like to express his deepest gratitude to the JSPS Core-to-Core and IAPP staffs for providing him with such a valuable opportunity.


Prof. Alexandre Schmid研究室との共同研究




明野 樹紀(北海道大学)


明野 樹紀さんにはエッジアナログデバイスでの学習を行うための新規半教師あり学習アルゴリズムの開拓のために、アナログ回路に関する業績が顕著なAlexandre Schmid先生の研究室に約1ヶ月滞在してもらいました。今回の共同研究によって、半教師あり学習に必要なデータ拡張手法について、アナログ回路の視点からいくつかの知見を得ることができました。今後も引き続きAlexandre Schmid先生との共同研究を継続し、新たに考えた手法に対するシミュレーションを行いその有効性とその改良を行なっていく予定です。このような貴重な機会を頂きましたJSPS Core-to-Core及びIAPP関係者の方々にこの場を借りて深く感謝申し上げます。



Photo with Prof. Alexandre Schmid           Photo of EPFL