日本学術振興会 研究拠点形成事業


JSPS Core-to-Core Program
(A.Advanced Research Networks)

Material Intelligence: Exploiting Intrinsic Learning and Optimazation Capabilities for Intelligent Systems



Yuta Joka (Osaka U. Japan) -Prof. Bart Jan Ravoo (Universität Münster, Germany)

Research collaboration with Prof. Bart Jan Ravoo

Universität Münster, Germany

October – December 2024

Design and synthesis of photo-responsive hydrogels

Yuta Joka (Osaka University)


The University of Münster is an institution that provides high-quality education and research across diverse fields, emphasizing collaboration with the international academic community. The Ravoo research group focuses on three main areas: biomimetic chemistry, surface functionalization, and responsive materials, with promising applications in next-generation medicine, environmental technology, and smart materials.

Supported by the Core-to-Core program, Yuta Joka had the opportunity to conduct joint research with Professor Ravoo’s group for approximately three months. His research involved the development of photoresponsive hydrogels. Promising results were obtained during the process, and the project has been handed over to his supervisor for further development. Through this experience, Mr. Joka was able to deepen his knowledge and skills in organic synthesis and photoresponsive materials.

Additionally, by participating in events such as Oktoberfest and Christmas parties, he gained valuable insights into German culture.

Mr. Joka would like to express his heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in the Core-to-Core program for providing him, with this invaluable opportunity, as well as to the members of the Ravoo research group for their warm welcome and support.


Prof. Bart Jan Ravoo研究室との共同研究



マテリアル知能による材料作製: 刺激応答性材料の設計と合成

上加 祐太(大阪大学)



上加 祐太さんはCore-to-Coreプロジェクトの助成を受け、約3ヶ月間にわたりRavoo教授のグループで共同研究を行う機会を得ました。研究では光応答性ヒドロゲルの作製に取り組みました。その過程で良い成果が得られる兆候が見えたため、この研究はスーパーバイザーに引き継がれることとなりました。この経験を通じて、有機合成や光応答性材料に関する知識と技術を深めることができました。




Photo with his supervisor                     Photo of graduation ceremony


Photo of the laboratory                        Photo of Universität Münster